Chinese Horoscope

Brittany Petros
Born September 9, 1974 (10:38 AM)
Robbinsdale, MN

Your animal sign is Tiger
Your year name is Chia Yin

The mesmerizing lady Tiger.
Popular, stubborn, bold, daring, you are one lady packed with potent sexuality. You are extremely thrilling to be with, fiercely independent, honest, passionate and dramatic. However, you are also very vulnerable and you are often a victim to your own passions. When rejected, you are crushed and broken until your next passionate feeling comes along. You have few money problems, for you are creative and imaginative where making money is concern. However, you enjoy the good life so much that more often than not, your money is spent without thinking. The guy who wins your fair hands would have to appeal to your sense of adventure and excitement. Instead of hinting around, he should be frank and straight with you. Your idea of courtship is being wined and dined flamboyantly. Though undemonstrative, you are very protective of your loved ones.

The wood female Tigers.
Charming, temperamental and flamboyant, no one in your company fears of being bored for you are able to captivate them with your zany behavior and unusual ideas. You need to be flattered and cajoled before you fold.

Pub: 05 May 2019 10:33 UTC
Edit: 05 May 2019 10:38 UTC
Views: 744